Episode 089: Curt's Cafe - Susan Garcia Trieschmann

At Curt’s you’ll find freshly brewed coffee, homemade pastries, inspired sandwiches, soups, and salads in a warm and welcoming home away from home.

They strive to use local products and vendors and we make everything possible from scratch. They offer free WiFi, and space for community meetings, book clubs, knitting groups — you name it!  Just call the cafes for more information.

Their student-trainees, 15 through 24 years, are living in at-risk situations such as having contact with the judicial system, or are homeless, food insecure or have dropped out of school.  They are determined to build a positive future for themselves.  For these young adults, being able to get and hold a job will contribute immeasurably toward their success.

Their program at Curt’s is unique and much needed. Proven at-risk or formerly incarcerated young adults have few resources available to them.  Even a short confinement dramatically affects one’s ability to thrive outside incarceration.  With little hope of securing employment, even for entry level positions, many end up living on the streets and return to destructive habits. Cycling through the courts, 86% of those released are sent back through the system within 3 years. We all pay the price for such recidivism. For our sake and theirs, it makes sense to direct these young adults toward a secure and productive future.

At Curt’s they provide that opportunity by teaching marketable skills and then assisting in securing employment. They teach culinary techniques but also provide instruction they will need to fill in educational gaps, gain confidence, and become job-ready.

Curt’s Cafe Website

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