Episode 099: Rasa - Vyjayanthi Vadrevu

I help businesses understand their customers and what they want. My careful observation, interview, and analysis brings depth, transparency, and perspective to the product-company-customer relationship. This is actionable, impactful insight. It informs product development, design, positioning, marketing, segmentation, and strategy. Allow me to test your assumptions about your business with a systematic, objective evaluation.

Project Work includes:

-Cultural analysis and design conceptualization for navigation tools for the visually impaired

-Behavioral Framework and competitive analysis for wearable technology designed for women’s safety

-Display ad response observational research for consumer technology

-User-product interaction observational research for consumer goods

Through my work, I hope to have disparate groups learn from each other and enhance each others’ domains (eg. public-private-government partnerships), discover unforeseen sources of inspiration for innovation (eg. technologists draw from artists, etc.), and to find human solutions for human problems using social science intelligence.


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