Episode 112: Megha Hamal & Kristen Nunez

Megha Hamal is the founder & CEO of Megha Hamal PR & Branding, LLC, a Chicago-based boutique firm that works in a wide range of categories including lifestyle, restaurants, healthcare, technology. Megha is passionate about storytelling, helping brands reach their full potential and increase their brand influence. In today’s competitive market, Megha understands the importance of having a brand identity that is authentic and innovative. Megha helps brands succeed by capturing their unique stories and engaging brands in ways that help them grow and build long-term relationships with their customers.

Megha is also a published writer and her brand has been featured in national and local media outlets like Entrepreneur magazine, Voyage Chicago magazine, CEO Blog Nation, Illinois Media radio station etc.

Kristen Nuñez is a Lifestyle Model & Actress, a Chicago-based talent that works in a wide range of categories from tv/film to commercial brands within the food, fashion, technology & automotive industries. Kristen is passionate about empowering younger women, helping them embody a positive body image and coaching new models to quickly become an established brand w/o sacrificing quality.

In today’s oversaturated marketplace, Kristen understands the importance of building a unique and an authentic image that aligns with your brand message and values. Kristen’s expertise is rooted in education, networking , and resourcing to expose clients to opportunities for success and sustainability in the entertainment industry.

Website: www.meghahamal.com
Email: meghahahamal@gmail.com

Website: www.kristennunez.com

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